
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Kuala Lumpur one of 10 Most Dangerous Cities in the World?

Along Jalan Sultan Ismail. Building on the left is the Shangri-la Hotel
KLites or Kuala Lumpurians, would you agree that Kuala Lumpur is one of 10 Dangerous Cities in the World? Why am I asking this? Because the 10Awesome site posted this list that has KL making it this year at No. 6, even ahead of Johannesburg, South Africa, that's listed at No. 7.

I'm not making this up. Read what it says about Kuala Lumpur..

6. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Malaysia also takes pride in its spectacular landscapes, a culture that begs to be discovered and explored and… a history of violence that made way too many victims. Presently, the state’s capital is said to be one of the most dangerous cities in the world, as the crime rate increased with 70% in the last three years. It wasn’t a peace on Earth display before either, but now things seem to keep getting worse.

No wonder they say not to believe everything you read on the Internet. This piece makes it sound like we can get gunned down or daggered at every turn. Sigh.

The article didn't say what kind of measurement system was being used. Anyway, here's the list of 10 Dangerous Cities in the World..

1. San Pedro Sula – Honduras
2. Ciudad Huarez – Mexico
3. Maceio, Brazil
4. Acapulco, Mexico
5. Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt
6. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
7. Johannesburg, South Africa
8. Caracas, Venezuela
9. Marrakech, Morocco
10. New Orleans, U.S.A

Share your thoughts in the Comments.


  1. Jo'burg is only number 7? Oh, man, Jozi, you're losing your edge. You'll have to mug a few more tourists!

    Sharm el Sheikh? The beach resort? I know Egypt is restless, but Sharm el Sheikh is number 5? (@_@)

    I wish I knew how they compiled this list: all crimes, violent crimes, rapes, deaths, what?

  2. LOL about your comment on Jozi, as you call it.

    Sharm el Sheikh sounds like a great place for a holiday though.

    I too wish how this list was compiled.
