
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Letters and packages found in ravine in Ukay Heights

Ulu Kelang in Kuala Lumpur has been associated with two high-profile landslides in the city's 'natural disaster' history. One is at Highland Towers on Dec 11, 1993, in which one of the three apartment blocks collapsed killing 48 people.  I remember I watched this news in the hotel room in Penang.

The other landslide, in Dec 2008, was at Bukit Antarabangsa where many houses were destroyed. Three people confirmed dead, 15 injured, more than 2000 evacuated. A former colleague's home in a bungalow was among those destroyed.

Ulu Kelang is home to a mountain range where many housing estates have sprung up recently. Among them is Bukit Antarabangsa. From the elevation in this area, you can catch a panoramic view of Kuala Lumpur and is one of the main draws in property investment in this prestigious neighbourhood this side of the city.

Ulu Kelang is just a 20-minute drive to the city and is right beside the MRR2 (Middle Ring Road 2). It is also served by the DUKE (Duta Ulu Kelang Expressway) Highway. If you are on the way to the National Zoo via Jalan Ampang, you will pass by this neighbourhood of lush greenery.

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Ulu Kelang has added another unfavourable incident to its name.

Thousands of letters and packages have been reported found in a ravine in Ukay Heights. If you are still waiting for that important letter or a package from a loved one, this could be one of the reasons?

A Pos Malaysia staff member collecting the discarded letters and packages at Ukay Heights in Ampang, Selangor.

The Star frontpage report: Ravine of junked mail..

KUALA LUMPUR: Hidden near a posh housing area in Ukay Heights in Ampang is a lush green ravine with a dirty secret.

The site has been a dumping ground for irresponsible postmen who have earmarked the secluded spot to get rid of mail they did not deliver.

Yesterday, two residents found thousands of undelivered mail in the ravine and called The Star, which in turn informed a passing postman.

One of the two, Ismail W.O., said he was driving past the area when he saw three postmen loitering by the roadside next to the ravine.


  1. that's very bad of the supposed responsible person.

  2. Mr Postman of today vz the committed Mr Postman of yesteryears. To add salt into surgery this is what you get after paying a very high price hike in postage that soared through the ceiling. ish ish ish

  3. i am shocked to see this!! how irresponsible those postmen were, and i really despise such act!! POS Malaysia should give an explanation and apology to this.. no wonder i've got some parcels not received by my friends, and since then i always go registered..

  4. Uh-oh the haze is back..
