
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

You can Sell Textbooks online

I read that the annual Book Festival at KLCC will be back again in August. For book-lovers, this is one book fest not to be missed but is there such a thing as buying too many books? What do you do with all the books that you have finished reading and will not likely be reading them again?

There are a number of options we can get rid of the books, of course. Did you know that you can sell them online? You can even sell textbooks online. Now that is a seriously great solution. Selling textbooks can also mean letting other students have a go at textbooks for a much cheaper price than having to buy them brand new.


  1. i remember when we were in high school, it's actually quite an unspoken "tradition" that we all used second-hand textbooks from seniors.. of course not for free, but starting from 30% to 75% depending on the condition of the books..

    1. Oh yes, that helped a lot for students looking for used textbooks.

  2. That was my case too..I always bought second-hand textbooks. And I sold my books to others too with special discount.

    1. I don't remember selling any. On hindsight, I should have?

  3. now this is good news indeed.....

    I have some...
