
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013 - Hello 2014!

It's Goodbye 2013 today and Hello 2014 tomorrow!

To borrow from a cute greeting that came in an email..

Have a Great End of 2013!
2013 is finally coming to a close, and I didn't want it to end
without wishing you all the best for the upcoming year.

So here it is, in 2014...
May you always make the right move.

 May your cup runneth over with love.

 May you always find shelter during the storm.

 May you remain good looking and looking good.

 May you find the perfect diet for your body and your soul

 May you find perfect balance in the company you keep.

 May you have as much fun as you can before someone makes you stop.

 May you manage to make time for time Out!

 May all the new folks you meet be interesting and kind.

 May you always know when to walk away... and       when to RUN!

and may your friends & family always bring you joy...

Yes,  H A P P Y    N E W   Y E A R !