
Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday Frolics - The Spring Test

Yes, Spring is in the air, i.e., if you are living in a temperate region in the Northern Hemisphere. Over here, we do have some trees that typically bloom this time of the year too, though not as awesome as those cherry or plum blossoms in Japan, still they are quite a site amidst just plain greenery.

This week's Friday Frolics personality quiz is about the Spring. Pick your favourite Spring image below and see what it says about you.

Happy Spring!

You Are Active

One breath of fresh, cool spring air, and you're ready to get started with your day.

You love that spring is all about renewal and new beginnings. You are excited to tackle your projects and goals.

You like to stay busy, but that doesn't mean you don't take time to smell the flowers. You live in the moment and do what's right.

By seeking out balance in your life, you are able to get more done. You don't burn out, and you have plenty of energy for everything.

Last week's Quiz: The Poppy Test


  1. Good morning hs.

    Mine says I am connected. I chosen the vege in a basket

  2. I am COLORFUL!! well said of the analysis :)

    I am so inspired by what I see around me, and there is likely no season more inspiring than spring. I love all of the blooming colors that spring brings. A beautiful spring day makes me want to dance, run, sing, or twirl. I am constantly engaging with the world around me. I have so many passions; I am excited about everything. Some may doubt my larger than life personality, but I really am this happy. Life is beautiful, and I'm psyched to be a part of it.

    1. i chose the colorful hot air balloon over the green pasture:)

    2. Welcome to the happy club! :D

  3. Dreamy, because I chose the cherry blossoms. But ... I live in Japan ... how can I possibly chose anything else?! :D
