
Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Frolics - What's Your Medieval Profession?

I don't know about other cultures, but in the Chinese culture there are some gifted-spiritually persons who are able to tell one's so-called 'three lifetimes', i.e. this life, the one preceding and the life after this life'.

My mom checked out mine and she told me what I was or specifically something I did in my previous life and what my next life would be. It's hard to say whether I believe it or not but it's still nice to be hopeful about what's to come. Oh well...

This week's quiz has something to do with Your Profession in Medieval Times. Remember, this is just a quiz, so just take it with a pinch of salt whatever your profession was back in the old days.

In three days' time, Malaysia will be celebrating her 58th National Day. This year, the celebration will be held in Kuala Lumpur at Dataran Merdeka or Merdeka Square right in the heart of the city.

And tomorrow people will be taking to the streets to join the Bersih 4 rally. This is slated to be a 34-hour protest rally. You can view updates here on #Bersihrally and #Bersih4, and here for live feed.

This time, the participants for BERSIH 4.0 are gathering to make a stand for 6 things: fair and just elections, the freedom of speech, the financial scandals of the Malaysian PM, the fall of the ringgit, the burden of the rakyat for the country’s debts, and to object GST. (MSN)

If you are going downtown the next three days, be forewarned that it could be a nightmare to navigate through the streets of KL due to the many road closures.

Sorry, I digress.. back to Friday Frolics quiz..

You Are a Cartographer

You have a wide range of knowledge and you're very detail oriented.

You have a photographic memory, and you remember places very well.

Like a middle ages cartographer, you're also very adventurous and curious about the world.

In modern times, you would make a good non-fiction writer or scientist.
Last week's The Ultimate Colour Test