
Friday, April 15, 2016

M is for Mid-way of the A-to-Z Challenge

M is for Mid-way.

M is the 13th letter of the alphabet which is to say participants of the A-to-Z Challenge have completed half the month-long blogging project.

Personally it's been quite a challenge but satisfying to know that I managed to blog regularly or find new things to write about.

Thank you for visiting and leaving your thoughts. I will have to work harder at replying and dropping by your blog. So many blogs to enjoy (more than 1700 blogs), so little time. Exciting times ahead!

M is also for Malaysia. Btw, ever wondered where Malaysia is? Here's a map to help along.

Malaysia is made up of two land masses. West Malaysia is a peninsula flanked by Thailand to the north, Singapore to the south and Indonesia to the west.

East Malaysia is on the island of Borneo comprising Sabah, Sarawak and the Federal Territory of Labuan.


  1. In the Small World Department, I just ran into someone this weekend who was wearing Troy State University Malaysia shirt. He taught summer school there once. Happy A-Z Blogging!

  2. In the Small World Department, I just ran into someone this weekend who was wearing Troy State University Malaysia shirt. He taught summer school there once. Happy A-Z Blogging!
