
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Still blogging today

A girlfriend once marveled at how I could still keep up with blogging after all these years. I told her 'nothing to it, you just keep on finding something to write, anything'.. tongue in cheek.

But I must admit that I've not been updating this space regularly enough - those of you who have been regular readers would have noticed that. Ooops!

And I've told myself (not once) I shall do better, and I will. I will post more regularly from now on, maybe not daily like the Blog Challenge I did last April, but certainly more frequently from now on.

For starters, here's something wow-worthy, 'The most awesome Omurice in Kichi2, Kyoto, Japan'. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I have been slacking. Argh...blame it on kdrama
