
Monday, August 7, 2006

Boys will be Boys

Still getting those Monday blues? How about these to crank up the day.

Pamela's my type

Quick, tell me what you see

Oops! Mom. Sorry!


  1. So much for "youthful innocence".

    What were you saying about spanking again?

  2. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Innocent, yet not so innocent
    I wonder was I like that during the younger days
    No recollection whatever though

  3. Curiousity kills the cat and put a smile on your face in this case.

    When I was a kid, I always wonder whether the ah Nei (Indian man) wear anything under the sarong.. haha.

    BTW, do they?

  4. PLAYBOY is for boys - playful and curious ones - not men.

  5. MM, oops! You got me there.

    Z, you must have been a good boy or is it a nice boy? I recall this good girl/nice girl joke - A good girl goes home and goes to bed; A nice girl goes to bed and then goes home. ;)

    Joe, and some boys never outgrow boyhood, I suppose.

    Robin, don't know leh. That's one for the Ah Nei to answer - which reminds me of a real-life episode I heard. A young man was taking an afternoon nap wearing a sarong and suddenly his cat jumped on him, on the part that houses the family jewels because something moved. The cat must have thought it was a mouse.
