
Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Pen-drive or Not

Supply meeting demand is a natural trend but this trend can turn unnatural at the expense of quality and authenticity. In this part of the world, one can buy imitation wares from cheap CDs to designer watches, from designer bags to even fake eggs. It's relative, really, cheap price for cheap goods. It's when one is not getting one's money's worth that irks the customers.

A case in point is this pen-drive that was purchased in Beijing last month. Unhappy customer only found out that he's been taken for a ride when he opened it up to check as to why the gadget was not working.

Have you ever experienced being a victim before?


  1. wah, like that also can..

    It is supposed to be a thumb drive? or a dumb drive

  2. Yeah lah, Robin. The latter is more like it, a dumb drive or a dummy drive.

  3. wah! like that also can ... (echo from Kuching!)

    when you buy anything 'cheap' from China; must double and triple check ... one of my clients bought some 'bargain' system furniture from china and the metal components started to rust within a week even before they finished assembling the furniture!

    pen-drive for ppl taken in as dummies! *sigh*

  4. Not only in China lah. A friend bought a pair of sneakers in Seoul for a bargain price and when he got home, he found that both shoes have slightly different patterns. So much for not getting the original product.

  5. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I guess they are coming up with so many ideas just to cheat other
    If only they could have put it to better use.
    It could have changed the world...

  6. The product, service or place is immaterial. Ultimately it is the person...whether he is honest or otherwise.

    Man is free to choose what to do, and since he is not a buddha nor a saint, we can expect such things to happen somewhere, sometimes and somehow.

  7. Z, so true. Lots of good things can be done for mankind but then again, everyone thinks differently otherwise there won't be crimes and wars or broken hearts. Thanks for your thoughts.

  8. Hi Joe, the mind is intelligent and unfathomable. Everyone has his own ideas, ideals, dreams, fantasies and a host of others.

    This is what distinguishes humans from animals but some of us choose to use it unwisely, shall I say? But then again, what is wise to one may not be so to another. Whose yardstick does one use?

  9. Well, you know what they say:

    You get what you pay for.

    I'd have to wonder where that "pen drive" was purchased. If the buyer picked it up at some street stall or something, well, all I can say is he played the game and lost. Joss can be an ugly thing sometimes.

  10. MM, yes, you get what you pay for or as one management guru said, "You get what you accept" in life.

  11. Anonymous11:21 AM

    我也曾經有你類似的經驗, 有一次和朋友去廣州市購物, 她們說上內地去購物比較便宜. 於是我買了一對涼鞋及一個很普通的手袋.
    用了三個星期也不夠, 點知對鞋跟脫了,個手袋裏面的布有爛了.

  12. PP, what an experience. I guess it is safest and money's worth to purchase the original product.
