
Thursday, October 26, 2006

Blue Skies Again

Blue skies are back again and I hope they are here to stay. Bright sunshine and blue skies greeted me this morning. The smell of fresh air is a luxury which we took for granted and which has eluded most Malaysians for the past few weeks due to the haze. I am just hoping that it will be here to stay.

What a sight!

What a beautiful sight.

Look at the sun. Doesn't it look like a ball of fire?

The sky was actually this blue. This picture and the one following were taken from the side window while the earlier ones were taken from the front windscreen which is a wee bit more tinted.

After so long, we could finally see trees casting shadows. Notice the road devoid of traffic. This is because most people are still outstation celebrating the Aidil Fitri, the Moslem New Year. Traffic will get back to normal come Monday.


  1. Clear pics or rather clean windscreen..LOL Glad the rain came and took the haze away..but hope the monsoon will not bring flood too!

  2. Joe, you are too kind. We are not having monsoon here yet though, just some rain - not heavy enough and too far between. I think the clear air could be due to the winds blowing the haze the other direction. Is Sgp having monsoon rains now?

  3. Ahhh...a breath of fresh air! Must be nice after all that haze.

  4. Oh yes, you can say that again. This haze is a yearly thing around this time of the year and it will be a perpetual problem if the governments are not taking actions to permanently fix it.

  5. somehow, everything seems okay when the skies are blue.. how come? then why do people say they're feeling blue? LOL.. such irony.

  6. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Clear sky again and good traffic
    What a sight

  7. LB, yeah, such irony, just like hot means the same as cool as in, "That's hot!" and "That's cool!". Ahhh!! English!

    Z, enjoy the good traffic until this Sunday. Even the malls are so pleasant. Bliss!
