
Friday, October 27, 2006

Colour My World

It has often been said that time flies when one is having a good time. I guess there must be some truth in it as it is Friday again. This has been a good week though a short one due to the public holidays. An email I received added more colour to my world. It provided a sort of a colour-rush from the loveliness and beauty of the world around us. It even reminded me how lucky I am to be alive and endowed with the gift of sight and how we do take sight for granted.

Would you have enjoyed the following pictures if you were sight-impaired or see things in just black and white or even if you are colour-blind?

Cherry Blossoms in Japan


The beauty of Antarctica

The rolling hills of Tibet / Golden Maple Leaves

Edge of a Glacier

Lavender fields

Comet (Make a wish)

The Purple Romance

The Mystical Desert

Source of pictures unknown

The email said:

You only pass this way once...
I've never before seen so much beauty contained in one e-mail.
Pass this on to put a smile on someone's face... (I hope I just did.)

Have a Wonderful, Colourful weekend.


  1. Beautiful pics, especially the Purple Romance. Thanks.

  2. Those photos are really stimulated my travelling mood. I am sure I will go to see the Lavender fields in some days.

    Have a nice weekend, Happy!

  3. such lovely palettes! very inspiring, hor? That's why need HUGE monitor loh...

  4. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Very nice pics.
    I believe that the 5 senses are always taken for granted...
    But then again the pics really tells of the beauty of sight

  5. Hello from Singapore! Love the pictures, so beautiful! I enjoy reading your blog, had a good laugh. thanks.

  6. OMG.. the lavendar field is really...SUPER pretty...and like lavendar sea...

  7. Joe, purple is a romantic colour besides being regal, isn't it?

    PP, hope you had a great weekend. The travel bug is bugging you, eh?

    LB, ahhh.... now I know why.

    Z, yeah lah, we take things for granted until they are gone.

  8. Hello Eastcoastlife, welcome to my humble blog and thank you, thank you for your very kind comment.

    You have an interesting blog yourself which I am sure I will be back to read some more.

  9. Anonymous5:14 PM

    These are amazing photos!

  10. Anonymous12:33 AM

    beautiful colors of our nature world.
    thanks for sharing ....

  11. FH2o, they are, aren't they?

    Slurp!, you are welcome and welcome back. Am sure you enjoyed your holiday in Japan.
