
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cold Turkey

Everywhere you turn - BBC, CNBC, magazines, radio, the papers, your neighbour, your mom - you hear people lamenting about the high cost of living and the ever-increasing prices of goods and services. It's nice to be a bee, even a busy bee at that.

...and modern living with all its splendour and indulgences, one wonders whether it is at all possible to go cold turkey on them.

...and what golden nuggets you could find on YouTube.



  1. OMG, I loved that Alison Moyet's All Cried Out! So, so.. London, for me..

  2. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I guess one could go cold turkey on anything if (s)he put his/her mind on it with strong determination. Like quitting smoking. That happens to yours truly :D

    Great clip. Oldies but goodies. Loving it!

  3. LB, I love it too and that voice of hers, so cool! There's another version - by No Angels. Not bad if you like pop but the latter part seems a bit noisy. Alison Moyet's is still the one for me.

  4. Andie, a test of mind over matter, eh? Hey, congrats on your quitting.
