
Monday, May 5, 2008

Sunset last Friday

These sunset pictures were taken last Friday, May 2. As I was locking up to go home, I couldn't help noticing that the sun was exceptionally orange and its outline was clear against the sky. It was fast descending behind the two tall buildings so out came the camera though the pictures do not do it justice - not zoomed in enough, plus, tinted glass.

Over at another blog, Andie posted a picture of the sun taken the same day which shows the sun being closed in by a broad ring of grey with a rainbow-coloured border. Go check out the awesome picture.


  1. The weather must be pretty hot hah? No haze, so we get clear sky. Your pictures give me an idea of what a nuclear explosion may look like.. frightening!

  2. A Tequila Sunset photo, that last one..

  3. Hi Joe, good to have you come by again.

    Yes, the weekend was extremely hot and humid. The mozzies had a field day.

    LB, yeah, a Tequila Sunset at Tequila Sunset. How about that, eh? *hic*

  4. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Those are gorgeous shots. Lucky to capture the moment.

  5. I tried to post a comment on Andie's site, but I don't know if it went through or not. I wanted to say that that picture he posted showing a halo around the sun shows a natural phenomenon known as a cirrostratus cloud formation. There's really nothing odd or supernatural about it.

    It is a cool pic, though, as are these!

  6. Andie, indeed!

    MM, thanks for the info. I'm sure Andie will read it here. Your comment has not shown up there at her blog, last time I checked. Yeah, that's a cool picture.

  7. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Thank you so much for the update. My comment section is weird ...

  8. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Thank you so much for the update. My comment section is weird ...
