
Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Biggest Loser Asia Season 2 begins this Monday

Can't wait to see The Biggest Loser Asia which begins its new season on Monday. With all reality shows, from setting up restaurants to The Apprentice to Project Runway, you get to pick up some tips that you could apply yourself.

With this weight-busting reality show, we could definitely use those exercise tips and for people on the heavy side,, the natural fat burner techniques to help participants shed those pounds could come in really handy. The Biggest Loser comes on on Astro's Hallmark Channel at 702. Happy watching..


  1. It's going to be hosted by Marion Caunter right? I like her : )

  2. Thanks for the information. I would definitely watch the show on Astro's Hallmark Channel. We all shall look forward to your comments too.
