
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Oct 1 - 31, 2010

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM). Each year, organizations around the world take steps to support this movement to make people aware of the dangers associated with breast cancer and to highlight the importance of early detection as early detection saves lives.

This article on Pink Ribbons and Breast Cancer Awareness has concrete proof that awareness is key and that many corporations around the world play a major role in getting the message across and funding research that enables huge progress and reaching milestones in early detection, survival rates, treatment options and more. Millions of dollars have been raised from Pink Ribbon product sales in which everyone can contribute in support of Breast Cancer Awareness.
is a website of very unique and high quality, budget friendly fundraising products for businesses to use to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Products including planners and calendars, totes, pens, key tags, coolers, t-shirts, lapel pins, bracelets and lots more can be found on this wonderful site and which can be used in various ways in support. Custom imprints are also available. Everyone can buy something from among the Breast Cancer Awareness merchandise in support of this worthy cause. Support the pink ribbon cause. Support Breast Cancer awareness and research. Spread the word!


  1. oh, it's the pink ribbon day again.. actually i recognise the pink ribbon but don't really know when are the dates to put them on, haha~~ :p

  2. Breast cancer is very common these days. Everybody needs to be aware of it...

  3. SK, good for you for supporting the pink ribbon cause. Kudos!

    KS, indeed. Awareness leads to early detection and early detection saves lives. Survival rate has increased significantly as a result of awareness and all the funding raised has helped treatment and research.

  4. Thanks for this reminder cum information. I would greatly appreciate your effort for this noble initiative. I would also pass on this message to others. Bye.

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