
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Read the reviews before buying an LCD TV

All of us do not simply go out and buy big-ticket items without first studying the product with regard to features, price range, brands available, etc.. We would naturally also consider possible negative implications of the purchase, so on and so forth. Take buying LCD tv for instance.

If you were planning to equip your lovely new home with an LCD tv, think of what you would do leading up to the purchase. I know checking out lcd tv reviews would be part of your research exercise. Yes? Happy shopping then!


  1. well, i always read reviews and make comparison before getting any gadgets.. i am always a smart consumer, haha~~ :D

  2. Yeha! Must compare first right? :D

  3. It would be common and a norm to compare and review not only when buying LCD TV it applies to other purchase as well..tQ

  4. I went to Digital Lifestyle Fair yesterday. It seems like LED TV is the current trend.

    Of course, 3D as well...
