Sep 24, 2005

Sep 27, 2005

Oct 5, 2005
Below are messages about Wong Jing Ren, the two-year-old
burnt little boy. This is a genuine case.
Donations can be banked into an account set up with
RHB Bank with the following details:
Name : Wong Jing Ren
Bank : RHB Bank
A/C # 1-12161-0009290-8 From: jennifer
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 11:34 AM
Subject: 2 year old burnt victim Wong Jing Ren needs financial aid
Dear colleagues & friends:
I had on last Thursday (20th Oct) after receiving the e-mail called Gleneagles and was told that the boy (Wong JR) was still in ICU since admission on 27 Sept. I had on the same day called RHB and the bank confirmed an account in the name of Wong JR has been opened by his mother, Mdm Yap.
This unfortunate accident was reported in several Chinese newspapers on 22nd & 23rd Oct when Mdm Yap appealed for public donation to support the huge medical fees, estimated to cost about RM300,000. Thus far, the family has paid out RM70000 on medical expenses and has since run out of resources.
Based on news report, the fire accident happened on 27 Sept in the uncle's house in Ampang, who is a shoe maker operating from home. On that fateful day, Wong JR was sitting on a sofa in front of his uncle, who had just applied glue to a big rubber sheet to be used for shoe making. About 10' away from the uncle, there was an altar with a lighted oil lamp. It was believed that the oil lamp had triggered the fire as the whole house was filled with highly inflammable gases emitted from the industrial glue. When the house suddenly caught fire, out of panic, Wong JR jumped down from the sofa, stumbled over the rubber sheet, fell and got himself glued to the rubber sheet. The big rubber sheet quickly caught fire and turned Wong JR into a fire ball. Wong JR suffered 90% 2nd burn from head to toe, he was rushed to the nearest hospital, Gleneagles.
Wong JR and his family are in desperate need of financial aid, pls donate generously, if you can.
---- Forwarded by Jennifer/SEH on 10/24/2005 09:47 AM -----
10/20/2005 03:34 PM
To Jennifer/SEH@SEH
Subject Fw: My Son : Wong Jing Ren Need Help
Jen, I felt that I've a heart attack after seeing this, nearly want to cry, so pityful. I want to donate n help him, but have no guts to call up the mother to confirm the matter, can't take it if she cries to me, can you do so or not? If this is confirmed, I will bank in the money tomorrow...
----- Forwarded by Melissa/SEH on 10/20/2005 03:37 PM -----
ML Teoh
10/20/2005 01:19 PM
Subject: Fw: My Son : Wong Jing Ren Need Help
----Original Message-----
From: Tan Yoke Ling
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:01 AM
To: Tan Yoke Ling
Subject: FW: My Son : Wong Jing Ren Need Help
Hi All,
Receive this email this morning.
I had called up the mother of the child Bonnie Yap (office number 7490 8028 ) this morning to get her permission to do so. I was told that she had made an arrangement with the hospital to ask for help on this sunday newspapers.
If you can't help her financially, please help her to get help from others.
Thank you and may god bless you of what you have done for her.
YL Tan
-----Original Message-----
From: Seng Meng Leng
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:41 PM
Subject: FW: My Son : Wong Jing Ren Need Help
For your action.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tong Pin Wan
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:15 PM
Subject: FW: My Son : Wong Jing Ren Need Help
Pls help.
This is a genuine case.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Leh yee
Subject: FW: My Son : Wong Jing Ren Need Help
Hi All,
My ex-colleague's 2 years old son is currently at ICU ( Gleneagles MC ). He has been badly burnt by fire at his baby-sister's house 3 weeks ago. He had sustained 90% of 2nd degree burn from head to toe. The doctors and nurses were able to stabilized his condition and now he has a better chance of surviving. However, my ex-colleague is now facing a financial problem on the medical cost for her son.
I will pass around the donation envelope, appreciate if you could help and contribute. Alternatively you could bank in to the account as per below mentioned. Thanks !
Name : Wong Jing Ren
Bank : RHB Bank
A/C # 1-12161-0009290-8
-----Original Message-----
From: Bk Cheah
Subject: FW: My Son : Wong Jing Ren Need Help
Hi All,
any donation you all can direct bank in to his account and send me a copy. or you all can call me to collect. When I bank in, I will send a copy to you all.
Thanks & regards.
Cheah 019-4116521
From: Bonnie Yap [Bonnie_Yap@vsource.com] [mailto:Bonnie_Yap@vsource.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 1:50 PM
To: 'Bk Cheah'
Subject: My Son : Wong Jing Ren
Hi Ms. Cheah,
Thank you for your kind assistance. Here is some note for the assistance on the fund collection.
There was an accident at the babysitter's house where both have sustain injuries. His name is Wong Jing Ren and he is 2yrs old and have sustain 90% 2nd degree burn from head to toe. Only a small portion on the back is not burnt. He is currently in ICU, Gleneagles Ampang. Due to his age and the injuries, the doctors and nurses of Gleneagles were able to stabilised his condition and he now have a better chance of surviving. We are grateful of the doctors and nurses but we now face a financial problem on the cost of his stay in the hospital.
Name : Wong Jing Ren
Bank : RHB Bank
A/C # 1-12161-0009290-8 Bonnie Yap
Vsource Asia Berhad (502982-W)
(formerly known as Vsource (Malaysia) Berhad)
Tel : +603 7490 8028
Fax : +603 7490 7999