Friday, January 2, 2015

Friday Frolics - What Part of a Pair of Jeans Are You?

You'll never look at jeans the same way again. Trust me!

Take the quiz to find out what part of a pair of jeans you are, just for some Friday frolicking if nothing else.

The sun is up here in Kuala Lumpur and floods are receding in the east coast. The big clean-up begins. The Met Dept says no heavy downpour expected going forward. But of course, the Chinese new year is only about seven weeks away (Thurs, Feb 19, to be exact) and that brings with it dry, hot, slightly windy weather - but then again wonderful weather for the celebration.

In the meantime, Happy first Friday of the new year, everyone!

Happysurfer Is the Front Pocket

You are a very easygoing person who just takes life as it comes. You are quite lighthearted.

You are active and even spontaneous. You are up for almost anything, even on short notice.

You are flexible and resourceful. You don't need much to be happy; you make do with what you have.

You travel light through life. You aren't the type of person who collects stuff... or emotional baggage!

Last Week's Fun Quiz: What Do Your Initials Say About You?


  1. Bananaz is the "Belt Loops"

    1. Ah, something different. Nice! :D

  2. Same here, Princess is the front pocket :)

    1. Ah, something similar, my twin?! Cool! ;)

  3. happy new year! from zipper!

    1. Happy New Year, Irvine?
      Zipper? All good, I'm sure.

  4. Happy New year HS

    Mine says belt loops

    1. Happy New Year to you, Small Kuching!
      Belt loops? Bananaz has good company..
