Tire chains, or snow chains are devices which are affixed to the tires of vehicles to provide superior traction when driving through snow and ice. In our tropical climate, we have no need for such a device but in countries where there is winter and in elevated places, every car is required to carry them or risk being turned back by officers manning chain controls.
Tire chains are usually sold in pairs and purchased to match a particular tire size (tire diameter and tread width). Tire Chain Dealer, an online dealer in tire chains, has a wide selection of tire chains to suit every vehicle type. They focus on chains that are easy to install - not the ones that get people frustrated. Their most popular product is the Grip tire chain which can be installed in less than 2 minutes per tire and cost less than $100. If you are unsure of the right chain, you can search their site by tire size. Having the right tire chains for your vehicle is important for safe travel.
Tire Chain Dealer is a resource for getting information on Tire Chains and to help you determine which snow chains are right for you. Several of their products have installation movies to teach you how to install them. Below is one such video.
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