Wednesday, April 5, 2006

More Engrish

Have you ever been so aggravated that you wished you could
do this?

I almost lost my cool yesterday but figured it wasn't
worth it and some kind Samaritan sensing that I needed
a diversion sent me these. Let's enjoy another round
of Engrish! You can refer to the earlier round here.

The fine print reads: We are thinking much about human body. Enjoy promoting your health with our healthy goods.

The top line says "PLEASE PUT IT ON YOUR BUST"
while the line at the bottom says "FOR SWIMMING, DANCING AND

For more Engrish, pls visit


  1. The England too Powderful leh, I no Understand...

    Saying about losing my cool.. the driver was horning me at the back for no reason as I signalled and tried to filter right today.

    First horn.. I slowed down and looked at the back mirror
    2nd horn.. I showed my fingers after knowing that it was just impatient
    3rd horn.. I jammed my brake and if it knocked me, and horned again...
    4th horn.. I will smash it's windscreen.

    It turns out to be a bitch and she even overtook me to show her fingers back.. such a cow... before she drove off.

    I should have taken her bitchy face and blog it..

    hope your incident was less toxic.


  2. Hmm...I could comprehend "My Fannie" better if it were toilet paper.

    Aw, shucks...I'm quite fond of smorking!

    "Auto Rock" sounds like a wonderful name for a trance or house music artist!

    "Horny remover"? There are times when I could definitely use one of those...(sigh)

  3. Robin, geez, there sure are many angry and impatient people on the road. No wonder, you have an iron rod(?) in your car. I used to have a baseball bat but it has been replaced by an umbrella. Not much help, I'm afraid, except for bad weather. haha...

  4. MM, "Auto Rock" does sound musical.

    "Horny remover" - hahahah..
