Believe it or not, this is now possible. Your blog earns revenue plus many bloggers out there to promote blog of yours.
YouSayToo is an ad revenue sharing community that lets you add your blog or create your own and give you a 50% share of the revenues earned from Amazon and Google AdSense ads. There's almost no extra effort needed on your part as it involves using your existing blog. It's as simple as that.

What you need do is just get your blog listed and maintain your blog like normal. If you want to drive traffic to your blog and increase revenue, you just need to promote your blog on I'm going to try this out. Will keep you posted.
Cool..will check later thanks ക
ReplyDeleteReally? Sounds interesting! Do update us on your earnings : )
ReplyDeleteIf I join, will I be joining under you? I don't see your ID anywhere - how do I know if you get the credit for it since you are the one who recommend this?
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. I'm going to join it. Haha :D
ReplyDeleteInteresting. I always admire your resourcefulness and knowledge.
ReplyDeleteFoong, thanks so much for the thought. You can sign up here.
ReplyDeleteEveryone, please sign up through the link above if you think I should be creditted for the recommendation. Thanks so much.
Signed up under you already : )
ReplyDeleteFoong, thank you so much. You are so sweet!
ReplyDeleteDone signed under /?10078. TQ:p
ReplyDeleteCheahSan, THANK YOU! :)
ReplyDeleteBananaz, you're welcome.
ReplyDeleteFoong, yeah, we need to monitor how we're doing.
Tekkaus, great! Using my ID? ;)
Shingo, thank you, you're so kind. On the contrary, what I know is not even a drop in the ocean but I do like to share what little I know.
Woah, sounds interesting. Thank you for posting this.
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